The Frankfurt Stock Exchange now requires that an Auditor or Chartered Accountant confirms the shareholder equity of the firm before listing. The Shareholder Equity must exceed 500,000 euro and have a par value over 0.10 euro per share. There are many ways to structure your firm from the beginning to meet this requirement: Cash insertion […]
The new regulations as of February 14th 2011 that have become effective …for the completion of the new conditions in the “First Quotation Board” announced by Deutsche Börse. Untill the 30th of September 2011 every company listed (currently listed and in future) in the open market has to verify the completion of the new conditions. […]
For the last 5 years of listing firms on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange clients were required to have a capital-in of 250,000 euro. Even if clients had spent 100,000,000 euro on the company, unless the capital in component in cash was available, they couldn’t be accepted without a prospectus. The new regulations passed on February […]
For the most part, several decades ago the burning of garbage was banned due to the NIMBA (not in my backyard) nature of the concept. However, processing the waste and burning it as fuel has turned billions of tons of garbage and waste globally into a multi-billion dollar resource for bio-fuels and alternative energy. It […]
Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings: Why list on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange? More Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings than all the other exchanges in the world accept NYSE and NASDAQ, the current merger would increase that to the largest in the world No restrictions on shares, even for officers and insiders, thus ALL SHARES are free-trading. The […]
Why Use FSE Listings Inc to List on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange The FSE Listings Inc Group is the leading listing firm for the Frankfurt Stock Exchange listings and the recognized leader bar-none over any other firm for non-German Companies. With offices in Spain, UK, South Africa, Guatemala, Mexico, Canada, the USA, Netherlands, Vietnam, Hong […]
Why Are Frankfurt Shells Increasing In Price? FSE group of shells and consortium explains The new regulations adapted February 14th 2011 have made it more difficult for firms to list or will delist many firms that don’t meet the 500k euro requirement or 0.10 euro per share minimum. The acquisition discussions between Germany’s Deutsche Boerse […]
Common false assumptions about the Frankfurt Stock Exchange That there is a lot of naked short selling in Frankfurt: In a landmark decision favouring public companies, naked short selling was banned in Germany in June 2010. Therefore there is no naked short selling, its banned. That a prospectus is required: In the Frankfurt First Quotation […]
(From the following original post: Unless you have just decided to bury your head in the sand, you know there is huge potential with implementing a social media strategy for your organization. Several questions always arise: How do we implement it effectively? Which platforms should we use? How do we track it? Should we […]
Why the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (Deutsche Boerse) Many readers have asked why list on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, especially as foreign non-German companies. Many of those people are surprised to learn over 89% of the exchange is foreign listed companies, of which there is a vast network of global investors looking at new listings and […]